Nose to the GrindStone
Some days are fun, some days we want to cry. Lately, we’ve just been busting our butts trying to get everything done. Summer is a busy season. The days are longer with warmer, dryer weather, and we are just able to get so much more done. Not to mention Mom and Dad are babies about the “cold”… ;)
First, it’s hay season. We try to get our first cut in May, then cut about every 4 weeks after that. This year, we’ve had broken equipment, rain, and so many other things going on that we’ve struggled to keep up. Normally, with how great the grass has done, we’d have had at least 3 cuts by now. Instead, we’ve done 2-ish this year.
Next, its weaning season. We group our calves by age, and wean and vaccinate them over a 6 week period. We work a group of 10 calves at a time (the first 10 born last season). The first group was started in June. They got 1 round of vaccines and went back with momma. A month later, we worked them again to give them their boosters, and gave our second group of 10 their first round. At this point, the first group gets separated from momma (across the drive way so they can still see each other), and the second group goes back with momma. The first group stay separated for 2 weeks before they go with our “Stocker” group and their mommas go back to the main herd. Then, another 2 weeks later, we work group 2 for their second round, and group 3 start their first round. This cycle continues until we’ve worked all of the calves for 2 rounds of vaccinations and weaned them. Then all of the calves are in the “Stocker” group and all of the mommas are together.
Then there’s all the usual things like: rotational grazing, electric fences, overseeding, weed management, pond management, and any other basic maintenance that comes up. There are electric fences everywhere. If we never have to do them again…it’d be too soon. :P
Finally, we have the CORN MAZE. We are so excited about this event, but it is kicking our behinds. In trying to get all of this done, we’ve painted the barn, installed an irrigation system, planted corn, created games, planned the event area, booked vendors, set up the web page, created facebook events, designed flyers, trimmed trees, bought all kinds of what’s-its, and tried to keep our heads on straight. There’s been confusion, injuries, hurt feelings, laughs, tears, fun times, hard work, and excitement. Every day has been an adventure.
Our personalities are so different. Mom tends to be the idea person. She gets so enthusiastic that its like her drive runs away and there’s no stopping the ideas. Then when the realization hits that there’s too much, you can see her excitement fall like melting snow from the roof. Mom is also the one that does most of the facebook posts. She drives us nuts pausing to take pictures of everything, hehe, but she is so much better at the social media stuff than either of us. She has the biggest personality of the three of us. Daddy is the physical one. He wants to be out in the field doing. He wants to see the fruits of his labor immediately. The day to day running of the farm, often requires more than one person, which seems to put the other work in the background. Then, he’s always amazed at how much “background” work gets done. He is the most reserved one, introverted, and particular. He has a specific way and purpose in doing everything, and he makes sure to remark about the right way to do it when he’s teaching. I am apparently the organizer and tech person. I have fallen into the roll of event planner/project manager/designer. I’m the goofy, introverted nerd. Regardless of my sun revulsion, my aircondition-a-holic status, and my allergy to sweat, they keep making me go outside to help. It’s kind of funny to see how different each of us is, but our personalities mesh really well together.
My wonderful husband has taken vacation days to help us get all of these things done. Mema and Papa have been wonderfully supportive, and are ready to help in whatever capacity they can. Our family have all committed to coming to the event, and/or shared the event to try to draw people out. And, our friends are always trying to find ways to help and support us.
It’s a difficult and unpredictable job. Every day is different. There’s always something going wrong. But I couldn’t imagine it any other way. I love the people I work with. I love the work I’m doing. I see God in my world every single day. It may be a hard life, but it’s a blessed life.