Tenderloin ~5 oz or ~11 oz
Tenderloin ~5 oz or ~11 oz
from $22.50
Tenderloin comes from the loin area, or the back/side just behind the ribs. This is the smaller half of a T-bone. It is famous for its tenderness because it is not weight bearing and has very little connective tissue. This steak has great marbling and grills well. It can also be processed as a roast, known simply as the tenderloin.
Tenderloin tails are great in traditional dishes as an elevation. They are the tender end pieces of the roast, too small to make into filets. Put them in a Beef Bourguignon or Beef Stroganoff to lift the dish to a more elegant level. Or, marinate and put them on a skewer and grill them for some delicious kebobs.
Images courtesy of Beef It’s What’s For Dinner