Please forgive the gap in posts. Many of you know there is a new addition to the team...
Little Monster has come aboard! He has been so good too. It can be really hard on a kid to be a part of the farm. There's loads to do, and many things can't be dropped for maternity leave. While big sister is in daycare, he tags along and does whatever the farm needs. He's done it all, and before he's even 3 months old.
He's moved cows, worked cows, set them up for breeding, and worked baby claves. He even does the paperwork to record all the data we need on the cattle. He loads up in the harness on mommy and he's ready to go be a cowboy.
He's built electric fence, checked hay, worked on equipment, and prepped for agritourism events. He's given a tour of the farm, looked at grass for grazing. He's even picked up meat, and delivered it to customers.
He feeds chickens, and collects eggs for Golly. He's repaired fences, and opened/closed tons of gates. He's gone to Tractor Supply to buy gloves, electric fence supplies, chicken feed, and cattle minerals. He even did a three day convention to showcase our field trips.
Little Monster can do anything that's needed. He goes with the flow. It's such a blessing to have him out here. We get to enjoy all the smiles and snuggles. I put him in that harness and he gets to wiggling away. He watches everything while we're driving around. He especially enjoys watching the cows as we drive through whatever pasture they are in.
It's definitely rough sometimes. I've nursed him and changed diapers in the field. His bag goes with us everywhere. We've got a pack'n'play in the barn office for him to sleep. He's slept in the harness and loads of other places. It's noisy, smelly, and dirty most of the time. It doesn't matter how hot, cold, rainy, or windy it is. The work needs to get done, so he's a part of it. We do our best to stay out of the elements, and he's perfectly healthy. He is certainly a trooper!
God has been so good to us, and we are grateful for this blessing. Just like with Little Bug, we will teach him how to be a good steward of God's creations and to have a thankful heart. We're back!