
I try not to get preachy, but sometimes, it's just where my head is. The last month has been very trying. I gave a bit of an update a couple of weeks ago, but it really wasn't everything. That post was leading up to the real trouble that we encountered.

October is usually our second wetest month of the year, yet we got no rain. The corn grew, but the grazing wasn't keeping up the way we needed. The water tanks, also, weren't keeping up. A cow got stuck in the mud from the diminishing tank. We worked and worked to get her out. Everyone, especially the cow, were exhausted. She never managed to get back up again.

Two calves were born within a week of each other. During calving season, we check on the cows twice a day to make sure the calving is going well. The first of the two calves was wobbly and couldn't find good footing. We hurried to get this momma and baby to the barn. We managed to help the calf feed, but he never got enough stronger to manage on his own, and his back was showing more and more evidence of something wrong. The second calf born couldn't seem to find the right momma. She had decided a different calf was hers, and no matter how much we tried, she wouldn't stand still for him to nurse. They are both still at the barn, and we have to get her in the chute every morning and evening to make sure he gets enough milk.

We truly appreciate those that did make it out to the corn maze. Your support helps to keep us going. BUT, the maze was another bust. We had less than 50 people total over the entire event. We feel confident that God was telling us to stop doing the maze and start focusing on other aspects of the farm.

So, in 3 weeks, we lost a cow, a calf, had a momma not take her calf, and a failed event 4 times. Where is His provision in all of this? Where is He in all of this? I believe, it's in the strength He gives us each day to keep working. It's in the hug Little Bug gives me when I pick her up at school. It's in the tiny things every day that keep us safe, and give us purpose. Yes, right now we feel a need for a greater/different kind of provision. That doesn't mean its not there, or not sufficient. We are doing our best to praise Him in this storm.

Kristi BennettComment